domenica 9 febbraio 2014


Ciao ragazzi! Ultimamente pur non avendo novità sto aggiornando spesso, voglio abituarmici e cominciare un po' a prenderci la mano.. :) D'altronde questo sarà il mio diario, un ricordo che potrò leggere quando tutta questa esperienza sarà finita.. Sembra quasi assurdo pensarci. Tutto deve ancora iniziare..
Ho pensato di postare la mia lettera, quella che ho inviato a YouAbroad, già, quella che arriverà alla mia famiglia ospitante.

Hi everyone! I’m Jenny, I’m sixteen and I’m from Italy!
Writing this letter makes me really excited. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time: I’m dreaming United States since I was a child.
 A couple years ago I started to consider the idea to spend a high school exchange year in the place that always attracted and fascinated me.

I feel that I have to do this experience. It’s a feeling inside of me and it grows up more and more.  It’s such a necessity to discover other realities, people, places and emotions. I’m a curious girl, ready to face the world around me.
I’d like to have the possibility to bring a little part, my part of Italy in your family, in my new host family.
I’m attending a technical school for tourism. I like going to school, my professors are brilliant and the lessons are really interesting. I always try to do my upmost to get great results. My favorite subjects are economics and English.
Typical day:
The alarm rings at 7 o’clock in the morning. I prepare myself and I take the school bus. I stay at school until 1 p.m and then I go back home for lunch. In the afternoon I do my homework, then I hang out with my friends in  the center and we spend there the rest of the day. In the evening during the week I have dinner with my parents and then we watch tv or a movie together.
I love spending time with my girls! They all know me perfectly. We support each other and we always help ourself in any situation. If I’m in trouble I know that I can lean to them. We usually go to the café to drink a coffee and to chat. During the weekend we always try to organize something: parties, nights at the bar or at friend’s house. I really love being in the company and feeling people’s affection.
My parents are divorced. I live with my mum and her boyfriend. My mum’s name is Elisabetta, she is 39 years old and she is an architect. She loves sports and when we’re together we really like shopping or staying at home and watch a movie. Fausto, her boyfriend, lives with us for ten years and he’s as a father for me. We often go out for dinner to spend some more time together.
I’ve got two adorable dogs,  golden retriever: Ciccio, 12 and Olvier, 2.
I don’t like sports so much but I like going to the stadium and watching football matches. I love dancing hip hop since I was a child and I also won some dancing-races.
I always try to do new experiences and to live every day in a different way! In May I worked as a volunteer in a Namibian orphanage with my mum for two weeks and I also could visit the country. This journey made me understand a lot of things and made me appreciate what I already have. It gave me the opportunity to see new gorgeous landscapes and to know lots of people from all over the world.
I consider myself a mature girl, I always think a lot before taking a choice, I try to be independent and to adapt myself in every situation. I always try to think positive and to be in a good mood. I like making people smile and giving advices if they need. I think I can be a good friend and a good daughter.

From this experience I’d like to get a lot a lot of ‘first times’.

E' la prima volta che la rileggo dopo ben quattro mesi. Mi accorgo che ci sono molti errori, cose che avrei voluto non scrivere mentre altre che avrei voluto approfondire o aggiungere. 
Penso che questa lettera non debba essere determinante.. Perchè gli exchange student la scrivono molti mesi prima di partire, e mi accorgo quanto si cambia, quanto gli interessi possono variare e quanto si cresce. Quanto si impara e quanto avrei scritto le cose in maniera migliore. 

Spero che magari possa essere d'aiuto a qualcuno di voi, tanto per avere una traccia. Non volevo scrivere troppo ma nemmeno troppo poco.. Ho parlato di me stessa ma senza essere troppo specifica. 

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